Business Pros: Triple Your Income Today

Make Money

I went from making a few hundred dollars a month to making thousands. You can too!

Did you know that people are looking for the business services you offer every day? It’s true. As a business pro, all you need to be is in the right place at the right time. The internet is actually the liveliest place to find business.

Just since January alone I have tripled and even quadrupled my income. I’ve tried newspaper ads in our local physical newspaper. They do generate a few new local clients and customers. But, as you well know, not everyone gets the local paper, and even the free ones don’t always get read. People are busy. They want what they want in an instant. The quicker the better. So actually, people search the internet more than anything else. I turn to the internet myself when I need anything.

Through #SocialMedia, #Facebook, #Google, #Twitter, and #LinkedIn I’ve made some great friendships and connections, and these people know me and refer me to others, which has also boosted my business. But the number one way I’ve reached clients and customers all over #Michigan and into other states is through a business I signed up for more than 5 years ago. Funny, I signed up that long ago, but I didn’t really invest my time and talent into this business until just this year, when my husband was out of work due to a knee injury and we needed income badly.

I put this business service to the test and I still cannot believe the results! Again, I went from making just mere hundreds of dollars a month to now thousands of dollars a month. I’m a #BusinessPro in Michigan and offer these services: #dogtrainer, a #WeddingOfficiant, and a #Photographer. I could fill my calendar up just with one of these services, but I enjoy all of these jobs, and helping the families, clients, and customers I serve.

It’s simple, you sign up for an account, and within an hour, you have people who need your services being sent directly to your email! It’s awesome. The best part, you don’t have to look for them, they come right to you.  And it will cost you nothing to get started! This is #NoScam, I guarantee it.

Click on this link to learn more and Get started making money today!

Love Photography

My rescue dog, Angel, wearing her new Valentine's Day dress, posing for the camera. Love that she has the husky markings, one blue eye and one brown. I love unique and unusual things in people and pets.

My rescue dog, Angel, wearing her new Valentine’s Day dress, posing for the camera. Love that she has the husky markings, one blue eye and one brown. I love unique and unusual things in people and pets.

I admit it. I’m a true romantic. I love photographing couples, weddings, newborn babies, and of course precious pups in a love scene. So obviously Valentine’s Day is one of my favorite holidays. In fact, my last trip to the store I bought several “love” props to use, as I like to make each photo shoot new and unique. I also was able to find a couple of new baskets which I can decorate for any occasion. Love baskets, stuffed animals, bows, ribbons, and various symbols I can display to brighten up the backdrops and scenes I use.

Need a photographer for your wedding? Right now we have are best portrait package specials ever and you get a FREE 8 X 10 portrait just for booking your wedding. We're getting booked up, so please contact us soon.

Need a photographer for your wedding? Right now we have our lowest portrait packages of the year and you get a FREE 8 X 10 portrait just for booking your wedding. We’re getting booked up, so please contact us soon.

Tomorrow I will be photographing a 14 day old baby boy in the Raw. Saturday I will be photographing a 6 week old baby girl, with lace and bows. Then I have a couple shoot. Whatever I’m shooting, I love photography, love getting those intimate personal up close shots that create memories that will last a lifetime.

Love to take newborn photographs. This is Xander at only 4 days old. How precious. They grow so fast, book your newborn or baby photo shoot today. CD/DVD and affordable print packages available.

Love to take newborn photographs. This is Xander at only 4 days old. How precious. They grow so fast, book your newborn or baby photo shoot today. CD/DVD and affordable print packages available.

Lisa Freeman is a professional photographer from Michigan. She’s been photographing weddings and events for over 14 years. She specializes in wedding photography, family photography (newborn/baby/infants/children too!), senior portraits, engagements, events, birthday parties (1 year cake smashings!), anniversaries, modeling, headshots, and much more. Exquisite images that capture the moment, leaving you with a memory for a lifetime. View samples of her work on her website or like her on Facebook or connect with her via LinkedIn.

Service Dog Gets New Boots

This is Molly

Service Dog Molly

This is Molly and her owner Vick.

Service Dog Molly 4

When Vick called saying he had to carry Molly home the other day due to cold and salt, my heart broke for them. He had no winter boots for Molly to protect her feet, and they had no transportation so they had to walk everywhere they went. After doing some research I found and with money that people had donated into our non-profit organization Abuse Bites and I was able to order the boots Molly so desperately needed.

Please take just a minute and see Molly walking in her new boots! It’s sure to put a smile on your face. Merry Christmas!

Click Here to see: Service Dog Molly In Her New Boots

Check out more pictures on our new facebook page @ Lisa Free Photography and Abuse Bites

Lisa Freeman

Award-Winning Author, Speaker, Dog Trainer, and Photographer